2025 NAB Auskick Start Date: May 2, 2025
Day & Time: Fridays 5:45 to 7:00pm
Where: Charles Green Reserve, Endeavour Hills
How to Register: Click on the below link and select Endeavour Hills Auskick Centre
For any further Auskick enquiries please email auskick@endeavourhillsjfc.com.au

AFL Auskick is a fantastic way for children to become active and join in a fun filled community-run activity with fantastic star of the week prize giveaways.
Each year, hundreds of boys and girls throughout Australia, take part in AFL Auskick football clinics over the weekend. Children from Kindergarten up to grade six join in to allow children to play sport in an environment where making friends, having fun with their parents and improving their skills are all important.
Children, regardless of their ability, will improve their ball handling skills, health and fitness and confidence playing a team sport. Children also may get an opportunity to play a match on the MCG/Marvel Stadium.
Spread the word far and wide. Be sure to pass on this information to family and friends who may be interested.
See you soon.
Endeavour Hills Auskick Team